It’s time for you to feel free. 

Join Bloom, the 1:1 program for high performing entrepreneurs, to help you embody a new way of being. Sustain your success and free your identity from your work - without the anxiety and emotional rollercoaster.

Let’s set the scene.

Imagine… It’s a few months down the line of us consistently working together.

You feel like you’ve embodied a completely new way of being.

You’ve been sleeping well each night and waking up feeling well rested and excited for your day each morning.

You’re more present for your loved ones, setting better boundaries and your relationships feel smoother and more fulfilling.

You feel more creative than ever and you’re even getting your work done faster, leaving you with more hours each week to spend enjoying with your closest people.

You move through your days feeling grounded, carrying with you a sense of spaciousness and peace and creating more space in your day (without having to drop all your responsibilities!).

Your identity no longer feels tied up in a constant need to achieve. Instead, you’re able to take whole weekends off without having work constantly at the back of your mind.

The best bit?

You got here without adding more obligations to your to-do list and actually enjoy every single thing you say yes to.

Is this you?

  • You’re driven. You’ve already achieved a lot in your life, yet you find yourself consistently dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety.

  • From the outside, your life looks wonderful, people often say you seem so calm and collected, yet it doesn’t feel that way to you.

  • You feel like you’re often running at 100mph and struggle to switch off and relax. Instead work responsibilities and a to do list stay at the back of your mind.

  • Chronic stress and anxiety stop you from feeling fully present with the people closest to you.

  • You always want everything you achieve to be perfect, but somehow no matter how much you do, it doesn’t feel “good enough”.

  • You struggle to sleep well and often wake up feeling like you’ve barely rested.

  • You know that now is the time to make a change. You fully believe it’s possible for you and that mind-body practices hold the key.

This is a highly personalised program with each session being tailored to your unique psychology, physiology as well as your personal goals, motivations and where you’re at on that day and period of your life.

Sessions will each include personalised practices of yoga, meditation, breath and somatic techniques for regulation as well as time for coaching.

My unique process for supporting you

Through working together, you’ll get to follow my unique SomaSync framework, created through 11 years of experience in psychology, yoga and mental health.

  1. Connect with somatic practices to create an embodied feeling of safety so you move through your days feeling calm and grounded, without constantly feeling the rush to do more. Hold your ground in high pressure situations and approach them with ease.

  2. Learn nervous system regulation principles incorporated with yoga, meditation and breathing practices so you can easily return to a place of balance whenever you need to. Effortlessly switch from a high-stress meeting to quality family time, using your personalised toolkit to quickly recalibrate your state.

  3. Understand your unique psychology, learning new ways to break the pattern of repetitive thoughts and emotions so you set stronger boundaries and take action steps that will help you achieve your goals with less resistance.

  4. Explore the philosophic and practical side of yoga so you can detangle your identity from always needing to do and achieve to be worthy.

Work with me

Hi, I’m Cecilia!

Bringing together the modalities of yoga, meditation, breath practices, nervous system regulation principles, somatic practices, yogic philosophy and psychology, I help you cultivate balance so you can sustain those higher levels of success, without the stress and overwhelm.

In this program I bring together my years of teaching yoga, focusing on mental health and the nervous system, my years of studying psychology and working in mental health as well as my own experience of struggling with and recovering my own mental health from anxiety, depression and burnout.

My mission is to empower you to move beyond low moods and anxiety so you can unlock your potential, carrying with you an unshakable sense of inner strength, stability and joy.

Whether you want to make a career change, travel, move your business forwards, have a family or simply get more joy out of life, your mental health is the key. Without this, nothing moves forwards.

Now is your time to move forwards with clarity, inviting in more strength and ease while feeling fully supported in this one to one program, a space just for you.

“this has been without doubt the best thing I’ve done in the past 6 months.

Some of the things I’ve learned have been truly life-changing and are techniques I will cherish and continue to use forever.”


What’s included?

  • A space just for you.

    3+ 1:1 sessions a month lasting 90 minutes. These sessions will be designed to help you tune in, cultivate inner strength and stability, understand what self-regulation means for you and experience practices tailored to your unique psychology and physiology.

    These sessions will draw on all the modalities I work with and include check-ins, coaching, discussion, feedback and practices tailored to you. You will be sent recordings of the sessions so you can come back to them any time.

  • Back pocket support

    Access Monday - Thursday via Telegram so you’re never without support.

    Get in touch with any questions or when you need extra support. Now you always have someone on your side.

  • Liberate, the 4 month course

    A powerful online course packed with transformative information and practices to empower you and support you in your journey. Grounded in the SomaSync method.

  • The Anxiety Reset workshop

    Instant access to this 2 hour workshop focused on embodied ways of creating safety and working to soothe anxiety, creating greater regulation.

  • The Nidra Meditations

    A library of audio meditations designed to facilitate a deep state of relaxation. Explore meditations from 10 minutes up to 30 minutes so you always have time to fit in a practice.

    Improve your sleep and cultivate deep rest.

  • Embodied Resilience, the 4 week course

    Cultivate a calm resilient mind so you can unleash your creativity and shine in your work!

“I couldn't believe how relaxed I felt after.

I found that my brain was much more resistant to stressors, and it had no interest in re-engaging with thoughts that had just fully consumed my brain prior.”


This is for you if…

  • You’re ready to make a change - you know stress and anxiety is holding you back, you’re ready to step off the emotional roller coaster and you know mind-body practices hold the key to moving you beyond this.

  • You’re looking for a partnership with someone who can guide you and see you as you are.

  • You want an in-depth, personalised approach that’s tailored to your unique psychology and physiology.

  • You’re all in! You’re ready to dive in and consistently engage with practices so you can make a change and see incredible results.

“I’ve learnt so many truly life-changing techniques.

It’s been a deep dive in understanding myself.

My job is quite fast-paced and high stress. When I started the course, I felt stuck between a heightened anxious state and low energy depression, while going through the weeks I felt slowly coming out of that.”


How does it work?


Start by filling out an application, this will help me to know a bit about where you’re at and if the program is right for you. You’ll be asked questions about what you’re looking for within the program.


As part of the application process, you’ll book in a clarity call with me. In this call we’ll delve further into what you want support with and any questions you might have. This free call is here to see if we’re a good match for each other.

Bloom 🌺

If we’re a good match, we’ll start the program. I’ll create a tailored schedule and plan for our sessions to help you regulate your nervous system, feeling empowered as you explore your own body and mind. Each session will be tailored to your unique psychology and physiology and moving you towards your own personal goals.

*NOTE* Submitting an application does NOT obligate you to join the program or guarantee you a spot. It’s just the first step in exploring this option for you.

“I have suffered from anxiety and depression for over 20 years. Cecilia has given me tools to help myself regulate and deepened my understanding of how the nervous systems work.”


Are you ready to bloom?

Book in your clarity call and apply today.

“The meditations and practices are wonderful - I honestly thought we’d been practicing for 10 minutes this evening, it was bliss!”



  • This program is highly personalised sp pricing will depend on what you need and desire.

    What I can tell you, is that this program is completely tailored to you. This is an in depth exploration to deliver life changing results.

    This is not a £200 on demand program, nor is it a £500 course.

    I’m here to support you to make life changing shifts, personalised to you and to help you sustain them.

  • Of course! I offer 3 and 6 month payment plans as standard but if a different plan would make this more accessible for you, I would be happy to provide that.

  • Yes! All sessions are run online so location is no barrier!

    Once we decide to work together, we will find a suitable times to meet that works for your time zone. If you have a schedule that changes a lot, I am happy to offer flexibility in scheduled times to accommodate you.

  • Great! You can secure your spot with a £300 deposit paid here.

    After this, I will be in touch with the next steps and to schedule our sessions.

  • Yes! You can book into a single 1:1 deep dive session instead.

    Me and you, take a deep dive into 1 thing you'd like to work on. Create a solid action plan to help you develop your resilience and head into the new year feeling energised and ready, knowing you can say goodbye to the stress and anxiety of 2023.

    This session will include time to explore a personalised practice and set up a sustainable plan to move you forwards.

    You will get:

    — 1x 90min 1:1 session.

    — Telegram support for 2 days before and 2 weeks after the session so you can ground the new knowledge and experience into your daily life.

    — Lifetime access to the recording.

    Price: £275

    See what Tanya said about hers:

    "The 1-1 session was brilliant as it was personal and tailored to what I specifically chose to work on.

    It showed how quickly progress can be made when the time spent is really focused on your personal needs and I will definitely be scheduling more of these sessions in future."

    Book in here

  • If you are not completely satisfied with the sessions, you have 30 days from the date of our first session to let me know. We will initially look at what can be done to improve your experience. If you are still not happy, and would like to cancel, you will be liable to pay for the proportion of the program you have already taken but will be refunded anything beyond this.

    If you cancel after 30 days you will be liable for the full fee.

All Rights Reserved. 2023.